In the competitive realm of first-person shooters, having an advantage can significantly influence your performance. Color Aim Assist V2.5 for Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 equips players with an array of features aimed at refining aiming accuracy and elevating the overall gaming experience. This upgraded version not only builds upon previous functionalities but also integrates several innovative features for a smoother shooting experience.

Key Features of Color Aim Assist V2.5
Compatibility with Multiplayer and Zombies Modes
This aim assist tool is designed to work flawlessly in both Multiplayer and Zombies modes. Whether you’re clashing with other players or fending off relentless waves of undead, the aim assist adapts to enhance your gameplay.
Improved Aim Assist Responsiveness
The mechanism behind aim assist has been fine-tuned for quicker target acquisition, which is vital in fast-paced firefights where timing is everything. This improved responsiveness can be the crucial factor that leads to your success or downfall in the game.
Enhanced Prediction Capabilities
The new prediction feature calculates the movement trajectory of targets, enabling more accurate shots against moving opponents. This is particularly beneficial in high-stakes encounters where precision is crucial.
Triggerbot Functionality
A notable addition is the triggerbot, which automatically fires when your crosshair is positioned over an enemy target. This ensures that you won’t miss shots during high-pressure situations, and you can adjust its settings according to your playstyle.
Hipfire Mode
This feature provides aim assistance while firing from the hip, facilitating hits without the need to aim down sights. It’s especially advantageous in close-quarters battles.
Support for Controllers
For players using game controllers, the aim assist is fully compatible, ensuring a comfortable gameplay experience without compromising performance.
Dynamic Shooting Modes (Beta)
The latest version introduces exciting dynamic shooting modes:
- Jump Shot: Automatically jumps while shooting, complicating the enemy’s aim.
- Drop Shot: Enables you to drop to the ground while firing, adding a layer of evasiveness to your attacks.
- Crouch Shot: Automatically crouches while you shoot, enhancing accuracy and making you a harder target.
- Hold Breath: Stabilizes your aim, particularly useful in long-range engagements.
Anti-Detection Mode
This crucial feature minimizes the likelihood of being flagged by game anti-cheat systems, enhancing your gameplay security.
Target Location Flexibility
Players can specify where to aim—be it the head, chest, or a random selection—allowing for more versatile targeting, especially in chaotic scenarios.
Jitter Control
With the jitter control slider, you can adjust the smoothness of aim adjustments, reducing erratic movements that might expose your position.
Recoil Compensation
This feature lessens the impact of recoil on your aim, helping you maintain accuracy even after multiple shots.
Fine-Tuning Adjustments
You can personalize your aiming sensitivity and behavior by adjusting the aim offset along the X and Y axes, tailoring the experience to your preferences.
Field of View (FoV) Customization
Adjust the field of view to suit your gameplay style, which enhances awareness and improves target acquisition.
Save and Load Configurations
The ability to save and load your preferred settings makes it convenient to switch setups based on different gameplay styles or modes.
Code Implementation
The Color Aim Assist is developed using AutoHotKey, a versatile scripting language that automates various tasks. Here’s a simplified version of its core functionalities, complete with comments for clarity.
; AutoHotKey script for Color Aim Assist V2.5
#NoEnv ; Ensures a consistent environment for the script
#SingleInstance Force ; Prevents multiple instances of the script from running simultaneously
#Persistent ; Keeps the script running until explicitly closed
CoordMode, Pixel, Screen, RGB ; Sets pixel search coordinates to be relative to the screen in RGB mode
CoordMode, Mouse, Screen ; Ensures mouse coordinates are also in screen mode
; GUI Setup
Gui, +AlwaysOnTop -Caption +ToolWindow ; Creates a GUI window that stays on top and has no caption
Gui, Color, 696969 ; Sets the background color of the GUI window to a dark gray
Gui, Font, s10 cFFFFFF Bold ; Configures the font style to be white, size 10, and bold
Gui, Add, Text, x10 y10 w300 h30 BackgroundTrans Center gGuiMove, Josh's Color Aim Assist V2.5 ; Title text in the GUI
; Buttons for different game modes
Gui, Add, Button, x10 y50 w140 gMultiplayerMode, Multiplayer ; Button for Multiplayer mode
Gui, Add, Button, x160 y50 w140 gZombiesMode, Zombies ; Button for Zombies mode
Gui, Add, Text, x10 y80 w300 vModeStatus, Mode: Multiplayer ; Displays the current mode status
; Options with checkboxes for aim assist features
Gui, Font, s8 ; Sets font size for options to size 8
Gui, Add, CheckBox, x10 y110 w290 vEnableCheckbox Checked, Aim Assist (Hold RMB) ; Checkbox to enable aim assist
Gui, Add, CheckBox, x10 y130 w290 vTriggerbotCheckbox Checked, Triggerbot (Auto Fire) ; Checkbox for triggerbot functionality
Gui, Add, CheckBox, x10 y150 w290 vHipfireCheckbox Checked, Hipfire Mode ; Checkbox to enable hipfire mode
Gui, Add, CheckBox, x10 y170 w290 vAntiDetectionCheckbox Checked, Anti-Detection Mode ; Checkbox to enable anti-detection feature
; Dynamic Shooting Mode Options
Gui, Add, CheckBox, x10 y190 w290 vJumpShotCheckbox Checked, Jump Shot (Auto Jump) ; Checkbox for jump shot mode
Gui, Add, CheckBox, x10 y210 w290 vDropShotCheckbox Checked, Drop Shot (Auto Drop) ; Checkbox for drop shot mode
Gui, Add, CheckBox, x10 y230 w290 vCrouchShotCheckbox Checked, Crouch Shot (Auto Crouch) ; Checkbox for crouch shot mode
Gui, Add, CheckBox, x10 y250 w290 vHoldBreathCheckbox Checked, Hold Breath (Stabilize Aim) ; Checkbox for hold breath functionality
; Button to apply settings
Gui, Add, Button, x10 y290 w290 gApplySettings, Apply Settings ; Button to apply user settings
; Display the GUI
Gui, Show, x100 y100 w310 h340, Josh's Color Aim Assist V2.5 ; Show the GUI with specified dimensions and title
; Main Loop for Aim Assist Functionality
Loop {
; Logic for aim assist
if (EnableCheckbox) { ; Check if aim assist is enabled
; Logic for aim assist when mouse button is held down (e.g., right mouse button)
MouseGetPos, mouseX, mouseY ; Get the current mouse position
; Add aiming adjustment logic here based on target detection
; Example: AimAtTarget(targetX, targetY)
Sleep, 10 ; Prevents CPU overload, pauses the loop for 10 milliseconds
; Function to aim at specified coordinates
AimAtTarget(targetX, targetY) {
global ; Declare global variables for use in the function
; Logic for aiming adjustments goes here...
; Example: MoveMouse(targetX, targetY) to adjust the aim
MouseMove, targetX, targetY, 0 ; Move the mouse instantly to the target coordinates
; Function to apply settings when button is pressed
; Retrieve values from checkboxes
aimAssistEnabled := EnableCheckbox ; Get the state of the aim assist checkbox
triggerbotEnabled := TriggerbotCheckbox ; Get the state of the triggerbot checkbox
hipfireEnabled := HipfireCheckbox ; Get the state of the hipfire mode checkbox
antiDetectionEnabled := AntiDetectionCheckbox ; Get the state of the anti-detection checkbox
jumpShotEnabled := JumpShotCheckbox ; Get the state of the jump shot checkbox
dropShotEnabled := DropShotCheckbox ; Get the state of the drop shot checkbox
crouchShotEnabled := CrouchShotCheckbox ; Get the state of the crouch shot checkbox
holdBreathEnabled := HoldBreathCheckbox ; Get the state of the hold breath checkbox
; Output the current settings to the console or log (for debugging)
ToolTip, Settings Applied:`nAim Assist: %aimAssistEnabled%`nTriggerbot: %triggerbotEnabled%`nHipfire: %hipfireEnabled%`nAnti-Detection: %antiDetectionEnabled%`nJump Shot: %jumpShotEnabled%`nDrop Shot: %dropShotEnabled%`nCrouch Shot: %crouchShotEnabled%`nHold Breath: %holdBreathEnabled% ; Display the current settings
Sleep, 2000 ; Display the tooltip for 2 seconds
ToolTip ; Hide the tooltip
; Hotkeys for GUI interaction
ExitApp ; Close the application when the GUI is closed
The Color Aim Assist V2.5 significantly enriches your Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 experience by equipping you with advanced aiming tools tailored to diverse play styles. Whether you’re a competitive gamer or someone looking to enjoy the game more casually, these features can provide a vital edge. Try out various configurations to find the ones that work best for your playstyle, and elevate your gaming experience to new heights!
This powerful aim assist tool highlights the continuously evolving landscape of gaming utilities, simplifying the journey to achieving your in-game objectives. Happy gaming!