Call of Duty Black Ops 6 AFK Bot Automation Script Call of Duty Black Ops 6 AFK Bot Automation Script

Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Python AFK Bot – Safe Setup & Guide

Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Python AFK Bot Guide – The Ultimate Tool for Effortless Leveling

Welcome to GamerFun.Club’s guide on the Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Python AFK Bot. Designed for those looking to passively level up and enjoy automated gameplay actions, this bot is a powerful tool for maximizing in-game gains without being glued to the screen.

What is the Black Ops 6 Python AFK Bot?

The AFK Bot is a script developed in Python that allows players to remain in bot lobbies or matches in Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 without active engagement. By utilizing Tesseract OCR technology, the bot can detect when you’re in a match and automatically execute actions, such as movement, shooting, and class selection. This is ideal for players wanting to level up, complete challenges, or test strategies.

Call of Duty Black Ops 6 AFK Bot Automation Script

Why Use an AFK Bot?

AFK bots are popular among players who wish to:

  • Automate repetitive tasks: Let the bot take care of tedious in-game actions like movement, shooting, and even tactical grenades.
  • Stay competitive without active play: This bot is perfect for those who wish to level up and complete challenges in multiplayer or bot lobbies.
  • Make use of idle time: Turn otherwise idle time into progress without constant hands-on involvement.

Key Features of the Black Ops 6 Python AFK Bot

This bot provides multiple features tailored for seamless operation in Black Ops 6, including:

  1. Game Detection with OCR: The bot uses Tesseract OCR to recognize when a match is active by scanning for specific words, such as “Autoclass” or “Custom.” This allows the bot to initiate or stop actions depending on whether you’re in a match, effectively “pausing” itself in between rounds.
  2. Randomized Movement and Actions:
    • Movement Simulation: It randomly presses WASD keys in various patterns, emulating real player movement. This minimizes detection risk while ensuring your character stays in motion.
    • Randomized Actions: Random intervals for jumping, shooting, and grenade use help mimic human behavior and prevent your character from appearing bot-like to other players.
    • Grenade Throws and Tactical Deployment: The bot can randomly throw grenades or deploy tactical equipment, using the “Q” key binding by default.
  3. Customizable Trigger Words: You can modify the keywords the bot scans for, allowing it to recognize custom class names or other specific in-game HUD elements. Simply change the keywords in the script’s scan_for_keywords section.
  4. Error Reduction with OCR: Compared to image-based detection methods, OCR reads text directly, improving reliability and reducing errors, especially across different resolutions and setups.
  5. Session and Stop Management: The bot detects “End Match” states (such as “Victory,” “Defeat,” and “Returning to Lobby”) and automatically stops actions at the end of each match, making it ideal for unattended, extended sessions.

How to Set Up and Use the Python AFK Bot

Follow these steps to get the bot up and running smoothly.

Step 1: Install Python and Required Libraries

Before running the bot, make sure Python is installed. Then, Use pip to install each of the required packages for running the bot:

pip install pytesseract pyautogui pillow pydirectinput pynput

Step 2: Set Up Tesseract OCR

Get Tesseract OCR from its official repository, install it, and set up the file path within your Python script for seamless integration.

pytesseract.pytesseract.tesseract_cmd = r'C:\Program Files\Tesseract-OCR\tesseract.exe'

Note: The game’s language must be set to English for OCR to function correctly.

Step 3: Save this script as python script (example:

# Import required libraries for automation, image processing, threading, and keyboard control
import pytesseract
import pyautogui
from PIL import Image
import time
import random
import pydirectinput
import threading
from pynput.keyboard import Controller, Key, Listener

# Set up configurations for Tesseract and disable fail-safe in pydirectinput
pydirectinput.FAILSAFE = False
pytesseract.pytesseract.tesseract_cmd = r'C:\Program Files\Tesseract-OCR\tesseract.exe'

# Initialize global variables for keyboard control, stopping AFK actions, and script management
keyboard = Controller()
stop_afk = False
afk_threads = []
paused = False
stop_script = False
game_ended_shown = False

# Define keypress handler to toggle pause or stop the script
def on_press(key):
    global paused, stop_script
        if key == Key.shift_r:  # Right Shift pauses/resumes the script
            paused = not paused
            print("Script paused." if paused else "Script resumed.")
        elif key == Key.end:  # End key stops the script
            stop_script = True
            print("Stopping script.")
            return False
    except AttributeError:

# Function to halt AFK actions and join all threads
def stop_afk_actions():
    global stop_afk, afk_threads, game_ended_shown
    stop_afk = True
    for thread in afk_threads:  # Wait for each thread to finish
    afk_threads.clear()  # Clear all AFK action threads
    stop_afk = False
    if not game_ended_shown:
        print("AFK actions stopped.")
        game_ended_shown = True

# Function to initiate AFK actions by starting threads
def start_afk_actions():
    global afk_threads, stop_afk, game_ended_shown
    stop_afk = False
    game_ended_shown = False
    # Define actions to be executed in separate threads
    afk_threads = [
        # threading.Thread(target=throw_grenade_randomly) # Uncomment if needed
    for thread in afk_threads:
    print("AFK actions started.")

# Function to perform random movement, considering recent moves to avoid patterns
def move_randomly():
    directions = [('w',), ('s',), ('a',), ('d',), ('w', 'a'), ('w', 'd'), ('s', 'a'), ('s', 'd')]
    recent_moves = []
    max_recent_moves = 4  # Limit the memory of recent moves to avoid loops
    while not stop_afk and not stop_script:
        if paused:
        direction_keys = random.choice([d for d in directions if d not in recent_moves])
        duration = random.uniform(0.5, 1.2)
        for key in direction_keys:
        for key in direction_keys:
        time.sleep(random.uniform(0.1, 0.3))
        if len(recent_moves) > max_recent_moves:

# Randomly trigger shooting action with occasional timing intervals
def shoot_randomly():
    while not stop_afk and not stop_script:
        if paused:
        if random.random() < 0.01:
            time.sleep(random.uniform(0.1, 0.2))
            time.sleep(random.uniform(0.3, 0.6))
        time.sleep(random.uniform(0.8, 1.5))

# Randomly jump with varying intervals to simulate real player movement
def jump_randomly():
    while not stop_afk and not stop_script:
        if paused:
        if random.random() < 0.2:
            time.sleep(random.uniform(0.2, 0.5))
        time.sleep(random.uniform(1.0, 2.0))

# Move the mouse cursor to look around, simulating continuous camera movement
def mouse_movement_randomly():
    while not stop_afk and not stop_script:
        max_moves = 20  # Number of iterations to look fully up
        for _ in range(max_moves):
            pydirectinput.moveRel(0, -200)  # Fast upward movement
        print("Looking all the way up - movement stopped.")

# Scan the screen for specific words indicating the game is over or the lobby is open
def scan_for_stop_words():
    stop_words = ["BEST PLAY", "victory", "defeat", "draw", "NOTICE", "returning to lobby"]
    screenshot = preprocess_image(pyautogui.screenshot())
    text = pytesseract.image_to_string(screenshot).lower()

    for word in stop_words:
        if word in text:
            print(f"Stop word detected: '{word}'")
            return True
    return False

# Convert image to binary for better OCR accuracy
def preprocess_image(image):
    image = image.convert('L')  # Convert to grayscale
    image = image.point(lambda x: 0 if x < 128 else 255, '1')  # Binarize image
    return image

# Scan for keywords in the game's screen to initiate actions
def scan_for_keywords():
    keywords = ["loadouts", "autoclass", "custom", "overwatch", "commando"]
    screenshot = preprocess_image(pyautogui.screenshot())
    data = pytesseract.image_to_data(screenshot, output_type=pytesseract.Output.DICT)

    for i, word in enumerate(data['text']):
        if word.lower() in keywords:
            print(f"Keyword '{word}' found - Performing keyboard actions.")
            return True
    return False

# Continuously check for stop words to halt AFK actions
def stop_word_scanner():
    global game_ended_shown
    while not stop_script:
        if scan_for_stop_words():
            if not game_ended_shown:
                print("Stop word detected. Stopping AFK actions.")
                game_ended_shown = True
            global afk_started
            afk_started = False
            game_ended_shown = False

# Main function to initiate all functionality, using a listener for keypress events
def start():
    global afk_started
    afk_started = False
    threading.Thread(target=stop_word_scanner, daemon=True).start()

    # Listen for key presses to control pause and stop
    with Listener(on_press=on_press) as listener:
        while not stop_script:
            if paused:
                print("Script is paused.")
                if scan_for_keywords() and not stop_afk and not afk_started:
                    print("Match found - Starting AFK actions.")
                    afk_started = True
                elif not afk_started:
                    print("Looking for game")
            except Exception as e:
                print(f"Error in main loop: {e}")

# Execute the main function to run the script

Step 4: Run the Bot

  1. Minimize the Game: Start the bot and then minimize the game. This prevents interference from mouse movements or key presses during play.
  2. Join a Lobby: Enter a match or a bot lobby as you normally would. The bot will handle class selection, movement, and more.
  3. Pause and Stop: Use the Shift_R key to pause the bot and the End key to stop the script entirely.

Important Settings and Tips for Optimal Use

  • Screen Readability: Ensure that game text is clear and readable on your screen. This is crucial for accurate OCR detection.
  • Avoid Mouse Movement: Do not move the mouse during the match; this can interfere with the bot’s randomized actions.
  • Customize Movements: The script includes several options for customizing movements, grenade throws, and more.

Advanced Bot Features

  1. Session Termination: The bot has a built-in “stop word” scanner, which can detect common end-game words like “Victory” or “Defeat.” When detected, it will automatically pause actions.
  2. Preconfigured Actions: The bot performs various preconfigured actions, including:
    • Random Mouse Movements: The bot executes slight, randomized mouse movements, helping to mimic natural player behavior.
    • Random Shooting: At random intervals, the bot triggers a quick aim-down-sight and shooting motion, ideal for keeping up with bot lobby XP.

While this AFK bot is ideal for personal and low-stakes use, we encourage responsible usage. Ensure you’re following game guidelines and using this bot in private or bot lobbies to avoid potential account penalties.

Important! – Stay Connected with the GamerFun Forum

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