Call of Duty®: BO6, the latest entry in the iconic Black Ops series, has brought players an intense mix of single-player, multiplayer, and, of course, the much-loved Round-Based Zombies Mode. For players looking to optimize their survival tactics and take down waves of undead with ease, this Zombie Aimbot and Triggerbot AHK script is the ultimate tool. This guide will walk you through how to install, set up, and customize this AHK script for safe and effective use in Black Ops 6.
What Is the Zombie Aimbot and Triggerbot AHK Script?
This script is specifically tailored for BO6 Zombies Mode. It provides a high-precision aimbot and triggerbot functionality, making it easier to lock onto and eliminate zombies without manually adjusting your aim. With simple hotkey toggles and customizable targeting, you’ll experience a new level of precision in combat, allowing you to focus on surviving each wave. This script is exclusively compatible with Zombies Mode in Black Ops 6 and utilizes the color of enemy zombies to assist in automatic targeting.
Step 1: Install AutoHotKey v1
To use the Zombie Aimbot and Triggerbot script, you’ll need to install AutoHotKey v1:
- Go to the AutoHotKey v1 website and download the installer.
- Follow the installation prompts and choose a preferred install location.
- Once installed, you can run .AHK scripts directly by double-clicking them.
Step 2: Adjust Display and Interface Settings in Call of Duty BO6
For the script to function properly, you’ll need to configure your in-game settings. This script uses color recognition, so it’s crucial that your display and interface settings match the requirements below:
- Display Settings: Set your display mode to Fullscreen Borderless.
- Interface Settings:
- Change the enemy zombie color to
. - Configure the crosshair for optimal performance in Zombies Mode.
- Change the enemy zombie color to
Step 3: Script Controls and Hotkeys
This AHK script is straightforward to use. Once launched, you can toggle specific settings and activate features using the following controls:
- Activation Key: Press
to toggle the aimbot on or off. - Triggerbot Activation Key: The script will auto-fire when you hold the Right Mouse Button.
- Head or Chest Adjustment:
- Use the up arrow to increase aim height (for distant zombies).
- Use the down arrow to decrease aim height (for close-range zombies).
Pause Script: Press F2
to pause the script. Activate Script GUI: Press F1
to open the GUI window for further adjustments.
Step 4: Customize the Script for Your Needs
The script is customizable to fit your exact needs within the game. Below are key points you may want to adjust:
- Adjust Aim Tolerance: You can alter the color tolerance level to improve recognition accuracy. The default tolerance (
) is set to25
, which you can increase if your accuracy needs improvement. - Fine-Tuning Aim Height: Modify
values in the script to control the targeting center based on your monitor’s resolution and your aiming preference.
Script Code
Copy the code below and save it as a .AHK
file (e.g., ZombieAimbot.ahk
), or you may also consider making this script available as a downloadable file on your site if desired for SEO and accessibility.
; Initialization and environment setup
#SingleInstance, Force
#KeyHistory, 0
#HotKeyInterval 1
#MaxHotkeysPerInterval 127
SetKeyDelay, -1, 1
SetControlDelay, -1
SetMouseDelay, -1
SetWinDelay, -1
SendMode, InputThenPlay
SetBatchLines, -1
ListLines, Off
CoordMode, Pixel, Screen, RGB
CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
; Main variables and performance settings
PID := DllCall("GetCurrentProcessId")
Process, Priority, %PID%, High
EMCol := 0xEA00FF
ColVn := 25
ZeroX := A_ScreenWidth / 2.08
ZeroY := A_ScreenHeight / 2.19
CFovX := 120
CFovY := 120
ScanL := ZeroX - CFovX
ScanT := ZeroY - CFovY
ScanR := ZeroX + CFovX
ScanB := ZeroY + CFovY
toggle := false
Paused := false
; Helper functions
RandomDelay(min, max) {
Random, delay, %min%, %max%
Sleep, delay
ImpreciseMove(value) {
Random, offset, -1, 1
return value + offset
; Main loop for aim search and adjustment
Loop {
if GetKeyState("LButton", "P") or GetKeyState("RButton", "P") {
targetFound := False
AimPixelX := 0
AimPixelY := 0
AimX := 0
AimY := 0
DirX := 0
DirY := 0
MoveX := 0
MoveY := 0
; Search for target in the smaller region around the last known position
PixelSearch, AimPixelX, AimPixelY, targetX-20, targetY-20, targetX+20, targetY+20, EMCol, ColVn, Fast RGB
if (!ErrorLevel) {
targetX := AimPixelX
targetY := AimPixelY
targetFound := True
} else {
; Search in the full area
PixelSearch, AimPixelX, AimPixelY, ScanL, ScanT, ScanR, ScanB, EMCol, ColVn, Fast RGB
if (!ErrorLevel) {
targetX := AimPixelX
targetY := AimPixelY
targetFound := True
; Adjust the mouse if target is found
if (targetFound) {
AimX := targetX - ZeroX
AimY := targetY - ZeroY
DirX := (AimX > 0) ? 1 : -1
DirY := (AimY > 0) ? 1 : -1
MoveX := ImpreciseMove((AimX ** (1 / 1.1))) * DirX
MoveY := ImpreciseMove((AimY ** (1 / 1.1))) * DirY
DllCall("mouse_event", uint, 1, int, MoveX, int, MoveY, uint, 0, int, 0)
RandomDelay(1, 2)
; Toggle script with the "]" key
toggle := !toggle
if (toggle) {
SoundBeep, 500, 300
; Fine-tune aim height with arrow keys
~Up::ZeroY += 5
~Down::ZeroY -= 5
~Left::ZeroX := ZeroX / 1.01
~Right::ZeroX := ZeroX * 1.01
; Secondary aim search function
Loop {
KeyWait, RButton, D
PixelSearch, Px, Py, ScanL, ScanT, ScanR, ScanB, EMCol, 30, Fast
if (!ErrorLevel) {
Sleep, 10
Send {LButton down}
Sleep, 10
Send {LButton up}
; Pause toggle with F2
Paused := !Paused
if (Paused) {
SoundBeep, 750, 500
; Alternative pause with Alt key
Paused := !Paused
if (Paused) {
SoundBeep, 750, 500
Additional Tips
- Run a Private Match: Before using this script in Zombies Mode, test it in a private match to adjust aim settings and get comfortable with the toggles.
This setup can transform your Zombies Mode experience in Call of Duty®: Black Ops 6, allowing you to focus on strategy rather than aim adjustments. With precise control and auto-firing, you’re all set to take on wave after wave of zombies effortlessly!