Download Free BloodHack – External Cheat for BloodHunt 2024: Safe, Easy to Use, and Undetected!
Hello everybody, and welcome back to GamerFun.Club, where we post the latest free, undetected, safest, and most working hacks all over the Internet. In this blog, we bring you an amazing free cheat for Bloodhunt called BloodHack. It is a free cheat tested by our team, making it super safe and undetected. Furthermore, the hack is very simple and easy to use, and you won’t face any difficulties as long as you use it in the manner described below. Last but not least, the hack is a constantly updated menu, so be sure that you’ll always find what you’re looking for.
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What is Bloodhunt?
The Masquerade – Bloodhunt is Sharkmob’s battle royale thriller masterpiece, released on September 7, 2020, for Microsoft Windows and PlayStation 5. In the open world of Bloodhunt, you are supposed to do whatever you can to stay alive. The streets and rooftops of Prague are dangerous, filled with enemies whose primary goal is to eliminate you. In this role-playing multiplayer online video game, you must play until you become the ultimate vampire. However, whatever you do, NEVER TRUST ANYONE.
BloodHunt External Free Hack 2024 Features:
1. BloodHunt Hack Visuals
- Visuals Toggle
- Player ESP Boxes
- Player ESP Boxes Type
- Player Skeleton
- Player Snaplines
- Player Snaplines Type
- Player Name
- Player Info
- Radar
- Party Text
- Player Distance
- Player Health & Shield Bars
- ESP Max Distance
- Knocked Text
- Visible ESP Color
- Invisible ESP Color
- Party Player SnapLine Color
- Knocked Player ESP Color
2. BloodHunt Cheat AimBot
- Aimbot toggle
- Aimbot FOV
- Aimbot FOV Size
- AimBot Bone To Shoot
- AimBot Activation Key
- AimBot Smoothness
3. BloodHunt Weapons Hacks
- No Recoil
- No Spread
- Aimed FOV Changer
- Aimed FOV Distance
4. BloodHunt Misc
- GUI Transparency
- Reload Config
5. Undetected and safe
6. 100% free
GamerFun.Club offers free, safe, and undetected hacks and cheats to enhance your gaming experience. Visit our website and forum to get hacks and personalized cheats.
BloodHack – Background Working Free Cheat Features:
- Can Reload Config on the go
- Has a Separate Handle for each Hack used and gives a Status Icon on the left bottom of the screen:
- Red Icon – No player in the list, No weapons in the list
- Yellow Icon – Players found in the list, No weapons yet in list
- Green Icon – Players and weapons loaded
- Crash Handler
BloodHunt Free Hack File Configuration
The download comes with a preconfigured config file. Tweak it to your liking to load things at the start of the tool. Side note: The config handler has no fail checks on missing config functions, so make sure the config structure is as it was originally and only tweak the values of each option. Later, you can reload on the go after editing from Misc or let the tool load it at start. You must use the correct structure and config.ini, or it won’t work.
BloodHunt Free Cheat Hotkeys
Show/Hide GUI = INSERT
Show/Hide Visuals = HOME
Aimed FOV = – / +
Instructions You Need to Follow To Use Bloodhunt BloodHack Free Safe 2023 Cheat
It’s an incomplete product and may work differently on various devices and computers. Below instructions could help:
- In case of any issue like the game crashes: Disable No Recoil and/or useless drawing features.
- In case of FPS Drops: Lower ESP drawing distance.
- In case of Aimbot issues: Tweak the Smoothness value.
How to Use Bloodhunt Cheat 2023?
- Game Settings: Window Borderless and DX11
- If Window Borderless and DX11 do not work for you try using FullScreen and DX12.
- Run The Program exe as Administrator after already in Elysium…
- Support OS: Windows 10 & 11
- Supported Resolutions: FullHD / 2k / 4K
- Supported Game Version: Beta 0.6 (Current)
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