Download Dead by Daylight – SSL Bypass 2024 Latest Version [100% Free and Working]
Hello, all Dead by Daylight game fans. SSL Bypass 6.6.2 is the most reliable and unrestricted free Bypass for Dead by Daylight available right now. Exclusively available on our website, GamerFun, this Bypass gets continuous updates thanks to our dedicated developers.
Bypass for Dead by Daylight
We suggest using this free and functional Bypass for Dead by Daylight to overcome the game’s restrictions. This straightforward fix is ideal for gamers who are hesitant to use third-party software such as cheats, hacks, trainers, or other tools that interfere with game data.
This is currently the only unrestricted free Bypass for Dead by Daylight. If you’re unfamiliar with the fiddler script, which is mostly used by experienced users, it’s a good idea to wait for a more user-friendly bypass.
- Copy and paste the PAK files into the Dead by Daylight DeadByDaylight Content Paks folder after downloading them from the button below this post.
How to use Bypass for Dead by Daylight
Using ENGINE.ini, Dead by Daylight – SSL Bypass using ENGINE.ini:
1. Press WIN + R and enter “%localappdata%/DeadByDaylight/Saved/Config/WindowsNoEditor”.
2. Include these lines in the “Engine.ini” file:
3. Set the file’s mode to “Read Only.”
Dead by Daylight – FIDDLER SSL Bypass
Follow these steps one by one to use Bypass for Dead by Daylight – FIDDLER SSL Bypass:
Click Tools – Options – HTTPS:
1. Select the “Decrypt HTTPS traffic” checkbox.
2. Choose “Yes” or “OK” for each question.
3. Click “Actions” – “Trust Root Certificate” and choose “Yes” or “OK” for each question.
4. Set Protocols: “client”, “SSL 3,” and “TLS 1.2”.
Include the following in your Fiddlerscript:
if(oSession.GetRequestBodyAsString(“bhvrdbd”) && (oSession.uriContains(“/logs”) | oSession.uriContains(“/batch”))) ().
“FiddlerScript: returned script,” oSession[“x-breakrequest,”] = Contains(“pak validation”);
5. Obtain the cookie using Fiddler, then inject.
Download Bypass for Dead by Daylight:
Download the PAK files for Dead by Daylight – SSL Bypass 6.6.2:
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